Broadband in most Northern Ireland businesses is almost always delivered through cables and routers with a fixed line broadband service. Mobile broadband is designed for business people on the move, and is accessed via a 4G or 5G mobile SIM card which is inserted into a small portable USB modem (Often called a dongle) or into a data card.
Mobile Broadband Northern Ireland
Mobile Broadband Options for Northern Ireland Businesses
Which business users need mobile broadband?
Most business people in Northern Ireland will use an Internet connection in their place of work. This internet connection is provided via a fixed line broadband connection. Likewise, if a business person is working from home, they will usually use their home broadband connection.
Mobile broadband is intended for use by those who do not have regular or reliable access to fixed broadband connections. With a mobile broadband connection, users can access the internet and other services, such as email, via the 4G or 5G mobile network.
This makes it a good choice for people who are may have to travel frequently or work in remote locations where the broadband connection is poor.
Business grade mobile broadband
b4b Group has partnered with industry leading mobile broadband hardware vendors to offer business grade mobile broadband solutions. b4b Group has successfully delivered:
- Construction site deployments
- Pop up retail stores
- Temporary events
- On-site auctions
- Advertising kiosks
- Distributed Time and Attendance
With b4b Group’s experience in deployment, hardware and network expertise our team can provide advice and solutions to meet your business challenge where fixed line internet is not an option.
Rapid deployment 4G internet
b4b Group’s rapid deployment 4G internet solutions are designed to mitigate internet problems or any unforeseen internet requirements.
Have you been let down by Openreach on your fixed line installation?
Have you had an instant requirement for internet due to an outage?
Our 4G rapid deployment 4G internet can be deployed, with same day – delivery or collection options available to get you connected.
Routers are activated by an unlimited data SIM Daily / Monthly rental options are available.