Device lifecycle management

Reduce the cost of ownership to support your mobile devices

Smartphones are no longer disposable items, and many are more expensive than business laptops. They also contain higher levels of confidential, personal, and business data and are It is  more likely to be lost, stolen or damaged.

Device lifecycle management is an important consideration for any modern business.

The lifecycle of mobile devices

There are six phases that businesses should consider for the lifecycle of mobile devices such as smartphones.

Sourcing your mobile devices

How many and which type of mobile devices does your business need, and the best place to source those devices

Financing your mobile devices

Should your business buy and own the devices or is it more beneficial to lease them out?

Mobile device management

Devices need to be protected from threats such as viruses and malware. They also need to be compliant with GDPR, so you should consider how this will be managed.

Device staging

This can be an important element especially if your business is changing networks and receiving new mobile devices.

In life support

You may need support for if something goes wrong with your device, such as damage, loss, or resetting passwords.

End of life

Your business can benefit from the residual value of the device, and at the end of use all mobile devices should be wiped clean

Sourcing your mobile devices

For years, the standard approach has been to purchase mobile devices as part of a mobile contract, which is either subsidised or supplied as part of a “tech fund.” More astute businesses are no longer using this model and are instead purchasing devices to improve business security and reduce costs.

Tech funds are still commonplace in Northern Ireland, combining the costs of the tariff along with a fund that your business can use to purchase handsets when required. The main issue with this approach is the lack of control over the cost of individual handsets.

Additionally, if handsets are purchased through a mobile network, they are most likely ‘locked’ to that network. Should your business decide to change network, then these need to be unlocked or replaced, which  can be time consuming and expensive.

  • b4b Group source devices from the market that will be unlocked and that makes it easy to change network in the future
  • b4b Group will make sure you get a residual value for your handsets at their end of life
  • Unlocked phones allow your business to easily update security settings

Finance options for your mobile devices

Separating your mobile airtime tariff from your mobile devices, will certainly save businesses money. When you pay a single monthly fee for both airtime and devices, you prioritise convenience over financial savings.

If your business signs a contract with a mobile network, directly or indirectly with a third party, then you are most likely overpaying for both.

b4b offer your business much better financial options. These include:

  • Renting/Leasing – allows your organisation to treat mobile devices as an operating cost
  • Varied contract terms – your business can avail of varying lengths of contracts  allowing you to sweat the assets
  • Residual value – Mobile devices have varying residual values and we include this as part of your lease
  • End of term – b4b Group can also include end of term device wiping, extended warranties, insurance and managed support as part of the leasing agreement

Mobile device management

Ensuring the security and compliance of your mobile devices should also be a top priority for your business. b4b Group can combine this into the normal lifecycle of all your devices as part of our managed mobile solution.


Mobile device staging

When you sign a new mobile contract, we believe it is important to make this as easy and simple as possible, without any down time for your business.

With the b4b Group managed mobile solution we include the following:

  • Charging the new device
  • Inserting and testing the new SIM card
  • Testing the device for basic operation and functions
  • Migrating existing information such as contacts
  • Applying screen protectors and cases if part of the package
  • All accessories
  • User guides
  • Updating software and device settings
  • Mobile device management setup and device encryption
  • Configuring email and any corporate applications
  • Configuring mobile threat protection

In life device support

Most businesses will use a variety of smartphone devices. As mentioned, these are expensive, and as such need to be maintained. Accidental damage accounts for around 90% of smartphone failures.

Dropping the phone, water damage and cracked screens are the main problems.

As smartphones are expensive, they are also more liable to be stolen.

As part of our mobile managed solution, b4b Group provides:

  • Repairs
  • Insurance
  • Tracking
  • 24/7 support (including password resets, locking phones and even remote phone data wiping)

End of life device management

At some point all mobile devices come to the end of their working life.

As part of their mobile managed solution, b4b Group can wipe all data and private information, and we also include any residual value in our leasing agreements.

Why choose b4b Group managed mobile?

  • b4b Group has helped secure and safeguard hundreds of business mobile devices
  • Let our experienced mobile team protect your mobile device portfolio
  • Make sure your mobile devices are secure, protected and tracked
  • From beginning to end, b4b will look after your mobile device requirements

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